Techie Personal Finance Bootcamp

Should Cryptocurrency Be a Part of My Plan?

Lucas Casarez CFP® Season 1 Episode 10

If you are in tech, you have probably heard of cryptocurrency, but should it be a part of your financial plan?

To shed some light on this I will address the following:

  • The dutch and crazy expensive tulips
  • Invest in what you know
    • How cryptocurrency compares to other popular investments?
  • Understanding the risks
    • How does cryptocurrency compare to gambling?
  • A plan is better than a wish
    • Focus on what you can control
  • My thoughts generally on cryptocurrencies
    • Sticking it to the man
    • There are a lot of them
    • Security features
    • What happens if they do become mainstream

Show Notes

Music: 80s Motivational Chiptune by Shane Ivers -